Falsely Accused of a Crime in Florida: What to Do?

Nellie L. King

Being falsely accused of a crime in Florida can be devastating to your reputation, your personal relationships, your employment status, and your social standing. If accusations result in criminal charges, your freedom could be in danger. Whether you’ve been accused of drunk driving or drug trafficking, you should take steps to protect yourself. In times like these, it is vital that you reach out to a lawyer as soon as possible.

What to Do if You Are Falsely Accused of a Crime in Florida

An experienced criminal defense lawyer can help you understand the severity of the charges that could be brought against you in the event of a false accusation. It is important to keep your wits about you and not to do anything that could be misconstrued as a confession. Depending on the crime you are accused of committing, you could be looking at serious penalties, such as jail time or significant fines. Here are some steps you can take in the event of a false accusation:

  • Remain Calm: It is vital that you remain calm in the face of a false accusation. It may be a natural reaction to fiercely defend yourself and start fighting back against the allegations. If you attempt to fight back without a plan or react emotionally, however, it may only serve to make things worse. It may take time, but keeping a level head throughout the process is crucial to resolving the issue.
  • Hire a Lawyer: The most important decision you can make in the wake of a false accusation is to hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer who can help you build your case. If you try to handle your case alone, you may be met with sudden roadblocks and surprises you may not know how to handle. An experienced attorney can prepare for any eventuality and bring extensive experience to your case.
  • Build a Case: Once you have retained legal counsel, you and your lawyer should start developing your defense. Gather as much evidence as you can find that supports your version of events and shows that you couldn’t have possibly committed the crime in question. The more evidence you have, the easier it may be to prove your innocence. Be sure to write down every instance of contact you may have had with your accuser.
  • Fight the Accusations: Once you and your lawyer have built a substantial case for your innocence and gathered enough evidence to prove it, you can start fighting the accusations made against you.One strategy that can be beneficial to your case is to challenge the credibility and motive of your accuser. If that person has a significant grudge against you or might gain something from putting you away, make it known. For instance, someone you share a child with may stand to gain full custody by accusing you of domestic violence.Once you and your lawyer are able to determine the exact reason your accuser has made such claims against you, you can start poking holes in their accusation and challenge their credibility in court.
  • Civil Suit: Failure to successfully prove your innocence could result in a wrongful conviction, which could cause significant harm to your future. If you successfully argue your case, you may still owe money in legal fees. Either way, you should consider filing a civil suit against your accuser as a way to recoup damages from this entire experience.


Q: What Can You Do if You Are Falsely Accused of a Crime?

A: If you are ever falsely accused of a crime, you should immediately speak to an experienced criminal defense attorney who can give you sound legal advice and help you build a case to defend yourself. Hiring an attorney may be the most important thing you do in the event of a false accusation. You will want somebody by your side who understands the complexities of criminal defense and can provide you with consistent legal advice during a truly stressful time.

Q: Can You Sue if Someone Falsely Accuses You of a Crime?

A: Yes, you can sue someone if they falsely accuse you of a crime. Falsely accusing someone of a crime falls under Florida’s defamation laws. If someone intentionally seeks to destroy your reputation by making false accusations against you, you can hire a lawyer yourself and seek a defamation case against them. By doing so, you can safeguard your reputation and definitively prove that you are innocent of whatever they have accused you of.

Q: What Is the Penalty for Falsely Accusing Someone of a Crime?

A: The penalty for falsely accusing someone of a crime can be quite severe, depending on the nature of the accusation. In Florida, the penalty for making a false police report or falsely accusing someone of a crime is a first-degree misdemeanor, which can be punishable by a jail sentence of up to one year, 12 months of probation, and a fine of $1,000. A second offense of false accusations can increase the penalty to a third degree felony.

Q: Do I Need a Lawyer for a False Accusation in Florida?

A: Technically, no, you do not need to hire a lawyer to handle a false accusation in Florida. However, it is highly recommended that you retain legal counsel whenever you are dealing with a legal case. Even seemingly simple situations can grow more complex or involve unforeseen complications, and having someone on your side who understands the law can only benefit you in the long term.

Reach Out to a Criminal Defense Lawyer Today

At the Law Offices of Nellie L. King, we are prepared to help you deal with a false accusation by assisting you in developing your case, gathering evidence, and advocating on your behalf throughout the entire stressful, overwhelming process. Your rights and innocence deserve an advocate, and it is vital that you take the proper steps to protect yourself. Contact us to speak with a team member and schedule a consultation to discuss your case in detail

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