West Palm Beach Prearrest Investigation Lawyer

West Palm Beach Prearrest Investigation Lawyer

West Palm Beach Prearrest Investigation Attorney

If you have reason to believe you are under investigation by federal or state authorities, you should not wait until you are arrested to start developing your criminal defense strategy. Prearrest representation can involve defense counsel reaching out to law enforcement on your behalf and negotiating certain case issues, including the terms of your surrender.

“Phase I” representation, or “front-ending” the case as Attorney Nellie L. King calls it, can also involve early emphasis on negotiations with the authorities regarding what, if anything, you are going to be charged with, or whether you will be charged at all.

Attorney King will work one-on-one with you to develop a personalized defense strategy as you prepare for investigation or interrogation with law enforcement officers who may not have your best interests in mind. Anything you say to anyone during the prearrest investigations can be held against you in court, so it is best to have an experienced and tenacious lawyer like Attorney King by your side to negotiate the terms of your case.

prearrest investigation lawyer west palm beach fl

What Does a West Palm Beach Prearrest Investigation Lawyer Do?

A prearrest attorney might work with you on:

  • Defense preparation
  • Prearrest interrogations
  • Pre-arranging of bail

A prearrest attorney in West Palm Beach, Fl will handle the legal matters surrounding your arrest and engage directly with law enforcement throughout their investigation and arrest process. It is advisable that you do not speak with law enforcement, especially as they will try to interrogate you to find as much evidence as they can to move forward with the arrest.

While you may want to defend against any wrongful allegations during the interrogation process, be aware that anything you say to officers can be used against you in court. Even though they are aware of your constitutional right to remain silent, they might try and push you for incriminating information during the investigation process to find whatever evidence they can to warrant arrest. However, note that officers are less likely to try and push you for information when your lawyer is present, because your attorney can consistently remind you of your rights.

A West Palm Beach Prearrest Investigation Lawyer will help you avoid making any mistakes that could potentially incriminate you further. They will guide you through the investigation process and remind you of your rights to ensure you are treated fairly.

Pre-Charge and Arrest Negotiations in Florida

The prosecutor in your case will decide to:

  • Move forward with the police report charge,
  • File a lesser charge, or
  • Not file a charge at all.

This decision can take a few days to weeks, however, so hiring legal counsel could give you more insight during this uncertain time. A prearrest attorney might work to persuade the prosecutor not to file a charge at all or to file a lesser charge.

If the prosecution chooses to move forward with an arrest, your attorney can arrange the terms of your arrest and at least negotiate a time and place for you to be arrested, so you may avoid being arrested in public or at work. Depending on your case, they can also help you prepare for bail and bond services beforehand to save you from spending unnecessary time behind bars before your case is heard.

Seek Prearrest Representation in West Palm Beach, FL Today

It is best not to delay hiring a defense attorney, especially when you suspect you are under investigation and at risk of arrest. You should not go through this process alone and having good legal counsel with you during this time is key.

An experienced criminal defense attorney like Nellie L. King can serve as the key intermediary between you and law enforcement and negotiate down the terms of your charge and arrest with the prosecution. With Attorney King, you are in safe hands; she will do her best to protect your constitutional rights and build a strong and tenacious case in your defense.

Contact the Law Offices of Nellie L. King, P.A. at (561) 833-1084 or online here to schedule your free initial consultation today.

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