West Palm Beach Probation Violation Lawyer

West Palm Beach Probation Violation Lawyer

West Palm Beach, FL Probation Violation Attorney

What Happens If I Violate Probation in Florida?

In most instances, if you are offered probation you are literally being offered a “get out of jail free” card. Rather than face a prison sentence, you will instead be closely monitored by the state as well as a probation officer.

Some things to expect when you are on probation include:

  • Attending scheduled meetings and appointments with counselors
  • Payment of certain fines according to a schedule
  • Refraining from drugs and alcohol, and regular unscheduled drug testing
  • Regular meetings with your assigned probation officer
  • Remaining out of trouble with the law

In order to be placed on probation you will also need to have a regular place of employment as well as a valid home address. Disobeying any of the terms in your probation could face result in your original conviction – jail time and much worse.

If you have been accused of violating your probation, contact the Law Offices of Nellie L. King, P.A. to set up a free initial consultation and discuss what the best strategy for you is. Attorney King will work one-on-one with you to build a strong defense for your innocence or justified violation.

As a former public defender, she understands that behind every person’s action is a driving story, and for every story there is compassion in the truth. Attorney King treats her clients like family, and she is a firm believer in protecting her clients’ constitutional rights to equal and fair treatment, even in probation.

probation violation lawyer west palm beach fl

Probation Violation Defense Legal Counsel in West Palm Beach, FL

Probation is a very common option in Florida. In fact, the probation rate is much higher than the incarceration rate, with nearly 160,000 people on probation across the state of Florida. As probation is a favorable penalty for conviction to prison time, it is very important that you serve the terms of your probation so as to avoid the harsher terms of your original sentence.

Whether you have worked with Attorney Nellie L. King before on your first arrest or are looking for an experienced West Palm Beach probation violation lawyer familiar with first-time probation violations, you’ve come to the right place. The thing about parole violations is that there are a number of defense tactics and situations where the violation could be justified.

For example, the drug testing equipment may have been faulty; the arresting officer may have used illegal search and seizure to warrant your arrest; you may have been sick in the hospital and thus unable to attend a meeting. A good criminal defense attorney like Nellie L. King can employ these defenses tailored to your specific situation to help you avoid the most severe penalty of prison time.

If you have been accused of violating probation in West Palm Beach, FL, whether you did so unknowingly or have been wrongfully accused of such, the consequences could be drastic. It is in your best interest to hire legal counsel immediately, as every situation is different and thus requires an individualized defense tactic.

Attorney Nellie L. King will work personally with you to frame a tenacious and compelling defense around the facts of your situation to negotiate as minimal a penalty to your alleged violation as possible.

Don’t accept a prison sentence without a fight. Contact the Law Offices of Nellie L. King, P.A. at (561) 833-1084 or fill out a form online for a free consultation today.

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