What Is the Difference Between Federal Court & State Court?
There are two main classifications of state crimes in Florida :
Federal crimes on the other hand are more serious offenses above state offenses, and they often involve complex, multi-count indictments which carry corresponding lengthy terms of imprisonment as mandated by the Federal Sentencing Guidelines.
In addition to state crimes, Attorney King also defends those charged with federal crimes, including the following types of offenses:
As a former public defender and advocate for the people, Attorney King believes in providing treatment instead of jail cells for the mentally ill and the addicted, in treating children like children instead of adults in criminal court, and in requiring law enforcement to utilize best practices in criminal investigations to avoid arresting the wrong people.
Nellie King treats each client as an individual with their own unique set of circumstances and life history, and she will frame a personalized defense strategy for you based on the facts of your specific situation.
While every case is different, you may be looking at a felony conviction if your charge is any of the following:
You could be looking at a misdemeanor conviction if you are arrested for:
There are a couple different misdemeanor classifications in Florida:
Felony charges in the state can be classified among the following:
Note that the nature of the charges and potential penalties you might face are dependent on a number of factors, including the nature of the evidence against you, whether or not others were seriously injured or killed, your previous criminal record, and your defense strategy.
Additionally, be aware that Florida’s sentencing scheme is such that a number of charges in Florida carry minimum mandatory prison sentences, even for nonviolent offenses. Attorney King believes that wrongfully accused people thus face unfair and arbitrary sentencing policies that do little to ensure the safety of the community as the state intends these minimum sentences to do.
Attorney King advocates, instead, for alternative sentencing and statutory options that serve to address the core problems attendant to crime in this country; a fixed minimum sentence carries its own set of problems as it could impose unfair jail time on someone who committed only a minor offense, if at all.
Law enforcement has vast resources and influence. As a result, it will be daunting to handle your case on your own. The best response when facing the prospect of investigation or incarceration is to arm yourself with a skilled litigator who has the knowledge, experience, and reputation to fight for you when you need it the most.
A good West Palm Beach State and Federal Court Lawyer like Nellie L. King can mean the difference between years of jail time or none at all. Attorney King examines each case critically by analyzing every aspect of a client’s contact with law enforcement in order to curtail abuses of the Fourth Amendment, delving into the forensic issues of each case, and investigating and presenting potential defenses related to the crimes charged.
There is no “one size fits all” solution; every case is individual. As such, Attorney King will develop a personalized approach to each case brought to her, especially as it carries the burden of criminal prosecution.
It is also worth noting that incarceration is not your only worry when it comes to a criminal charge. The collateral consequences of a criminal record are not to go unnoticed, as the long-lasting effects of a criminal charge can sometimes outweigh the threat of incarceration looming over your head.
If you possess a criminal record, your booking photo and case information will be public record. You can be denied employment, deported if you are not a U.S. Citizen, turned down for housing if you attempt to rent an apartment, have your driver’s license suspended or revoked, and you can be stripped of your rights to vote and possess a firearm.
In order to make sound decisions when you are being prosecuted for a criminal offense, it is critical to understand everything about your case that can impact your life now, as well as in the future.
The mission of the Law Offices of Nellie L. King, P.A. located at West Palm Beach, FL is to provide zealous representation for individuals when they need it most – when they are up against a vastly resourced government in a criminal investigation and have their life and reputation at risk.
Attorney Nellie King places an emphasis on “front-ending” cases, a process where she aggressively advocates for the state to No-File, or decline prosecution, during the initial stages of your case. Attorney King is often successful in avoiding criminal charges from being filed against her clients during this early but critical stage of the case.